Gifts of Life Insurance can be an alternative way to provide support to a cause you care about. Talk with your insurance advisor to find out how, with a gift of life insurance, you can make a generous gift to charity.

How they work:
These gifts are made by naming TLC The Land Conservancy of British Columbia as irrevocable beneficiary of a new insurance policy (or by using an existing policy that can be assigned to TLC as registered beneficiary).

For new policies:
Donor gets tax receipt for ongoing premium
No tax receipt at death
Cannot change the charity later on

For existing policies:
Donor gets receipt for current Cash Value, or Fair Market Value
Donor gets receipt for ongoing premium
No tax receipt at death

Who they work for:
Insurance gifts usually appeal to people, often aged 30 to 60, who have an older policy that is no longer needed, or who want to make a large gift but have limited resources.

To request more information on these types of gifts, please email

For a printable information form, click here.

IMPORTANT: Life Insurance gifts are more complicated than regular donations – they often involve long-term commitment to the charity you are donating to in the form on ongoing premium payments. It is important to speak with your insurance advisor, financial advisor and/or other professionals to find out if a donation of life insurance is the best plan for you.