Spanning 27 acres of critically imperiled Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) ecosystem is one of TLC’s latest projects: the Millstream Creek Watershed. This lush and diverse property – located in the District of Highlands on southern Vancouver Island – is comprised of a mature forest and three different wetland types. Typical of the CDF biogeoclimatic zone, the Millstream Creek Watershed is dominated by Douglas-fir and accompanied by western red cedar, grand fir, arbutus, Garry oak, and red alder. The understory is flourishing with species including salal, dull Oregon-grape, ocean-spray, bracken fern, sword fern, trailing blackberry, western trumpet honeysuckle, and Oregon beaked moss.

Unfortunately, the CDF is the smallest and most at-risk zone in B.C. The global range of the CDF lies almost entirely within B.C., however, of all the zones in the province, the CDF has been the most altered by human activities. Less than 1% of the CDF remains in old growth forests and species-at-risk including the Northern red-legged frog (SARA listed species of Special Concern) are found within its boundaries.

The Millstream Creek Watershed property provides connectivity for wildlife and the local watershed. With two defined creeks and numerous ephemeral streams that flow into W̱MÍYEŦEN (Mary Lake), the parcel functions as a water source for the sensitive lake system found to the south. In addition, the protection of this mature forest supports greater connectivity of wildlife corridors when one considers the established Capital Regional District parks in the area.

The Millstream Creek Watershed project offers TLC a rare opportunity to protect CDF on southern Vancouver Island; acquiring an undisturbed parcel of this size, and in this location, is not usually financially feasible. Thanks in part to a government grant, an intact future for this property was made possible: TLC successfully secured the habitat in 2020.

You can support the ongoing stewardship of this intact habitat by donating today!

Species Inventory 

Click on the button below to see the full iNaturalist list of species we have found on the property.