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This bushwhacking adventure will see us travel along the southern boundaries of a lush parcel of conservation land, monitoring for edge effects. Be prepared to see a beautiful diversity of spring plants, learn about bluff ecosystems and gain some serious bushwhacking experience. Expect about a 3 km round trip and an elevation change of about 120 meters. Time permitting, we will also have the opportunity to traverse the old water pipeline to access the upper rocky bluffs to conduct repeat photography for landscape changes where we will be treated to fantastic views of the Sooke basin and Olympic mountain range. Pack plenty of water, a lunch and appropriate clothes for the weather.

We ask that volunteers be comfortable hiking for two to six hours both on and off trail (bushwhacking), with a full backpack containing water, lunch and any personal needs. We are often in areas where washroom facilities are not available. We are hiking in uneven terrain where slips, trips and falls are possible. Please take caution while walking through steep and unmaintained terrain.  Please note that TLC staff are trained in First Aid and carry a kit.

We encourage carpooling to reduce our carbon footprint. Please indicate if you are interested in carpooling with other volunteers. TLC can provide rides for up to three people in TLC’s car.

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