Happy new year from the Abkhazi Garden!
In this January 2025 edition of the Abkahzi E-Newsletter, you will learn about TLC celebrating 25 years of community support, appreciation of our volunteers, a new entrance to our garden, a new development in our hood and much more.
February is around the corner and Jacqui looks forward to having the garden volunteers back next week. Cherie looks forward to hosting a Welcome Back Tea with gate greeters and docents at the end of February.
Even in Winter, the garden is beautiful, as can be seen in this photo of the lower pond with a light layer of ice. If you come for a visit you will also enjoy snow drops, cyclamen, and hellebores in the garden. You will be welcomed by rhododendrons in bloom by the front gate.
See you soon in the garden that love built,
Site Manager and Volunteer Coordinator

Abkhazi Garden lower pond covered in ice. Photo: Cherie Miltimore.
Abkhazi Accessibility Project Fundraiser
We are still actively fundraising to upgrade the garden’s driveway into a wheelchair-accessible and environmentally-friendly walkway. This project involves the much-needed transformation of the garden’s 180 foot driveway into an accessible, and environmentally-friendly walkway. While still permitting garden & teahouse access by vehicle and bicycle, the new walkway will be wheelchair accessible, and also include better maneuverability for emergency vehicles. In addition, the new walkway/driveway keeps environmental standards in mind with the use of permeable construction materials such as brick pavers and gravel. The walkway’s installation complies with modern, sustainable urban drainage systems, and will prevent puddling and erosion, and reduce runoff to the City’s storm drains. Lastly, this project will also include the installation of new bike racks to encourage carbon-friendly transport to the garden. Learn more about the project here.