0.95 Hectares located near Winlaw, Covenanted in 2003.
This 2.3 acre property near Winlaw was protected by a conservation covenant in 2003, and lies adjacent to the Paradise Valley covenant (signed in 1998). Both of these covenants are co-held by the Kootenay Land Trust Society. Together, these two covenants provide secure habitat for wildlife including black bear, moose, deer, cougar, bobcat, and small mammals. This moist property contains a mature Interior Cedar-Hemlock forest approximately 90 years old, made up predominantly of Lodgepole pine, Douglas-fir, and Western redcedar. Other dominant vegetation includes Douglas Maple, Red-Osier Dogwood, Black Huckleberry and Thimbleberry. In addition to protecting forest and wildlife values, this covenant provides a secure location for Kutenai Growth Society, a Benailese healing centre. Perpetual protection of the land’s ecological values goes hand-in-hand with the healing centre’s wholistic approach.