All-Day Monitoring Hike – Elkington

Elkington Forest British Columbia, Canada

Join TLC at Elkington Forest near Shawnigan Lake for a day of ecological monitoring. This hike includes some bushwhacking and navigating around a small lake. Experience conservation fieldwork for yourself! Be sure to pack water and a lunch. Register with Torrey Archer at Carpooling is available!   Moderate difficulty during bushwhacking portions. No elevation [...]

Passport to Nature – Ayum Creek Restoration

Ayum Creek Laidlaw Road, Sooke, British Columbia, Canada

Join TLC's Torrey Archer and GVGT's Amanda Evans at Ayum Creek to combat invasive periwinkle through sheet mulching. This restoration project will allow native species to recolonize the area. Tools, gloves, and snacks are provided but please pack water and sturdy shoes! Volunteers register free here.

Nature Photography Basics

Ayum Creek Laidlaw Road, Sooke, British Columbia, Canada

Presented by Karen Iwachow, TLC Conservation Programs Coordinator, Nature Photography Basics will introduce participants to macro photography, working with variable lighting, and natural light portraiture. Please suggest any additional topics you would like covered! Be sure to bring a camera, lunch, and water. Register soon!

Passport to Nature – Ayum Creek Restoration

Ayum Creek Laidlaw Road, Sooke, British Columbia, Canada

Join TLC's Torrey Archer and GVGT's Amanda Evans at Ayum Creek to combat invasive periwinkle through sheet mulching. This restoration project will allow native species to recolonize the area. Tools, gloves, and snacks are provided but please pack water and sturdy shoes! Volunteers register free here

Atkins Road Conservation Covenant Monitoring

TLC holds a conservation covenant on Capital Regional District's (CRD) Park Reserve which sits between the Galloping Goose Trail and Millstream Creek near Mill Hill Regional Park. The 2 hectare protected area features a beautiful Garry Oak savanna above the riparian area and creek. We will start the trek from Atkins Road and walk down [...]

Ayum Creek Conservation Covenant Monitoring

Join TLC at our Ayum Creek Covenant, the hidden gem of the Sooke Basin! This gorgeous salmon-bearing stream and estuary is 7 hectares of Capital Regional District (CRD) Park Reserve which is the southwest anchor for the Sea to Sea Green/Blue Belt established by CRD Parks. This year TLC will be mapping areas where invasive [...]