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This year TLC’s 2020 Annual General Meeting will be held online. We hope that members will be able to join us from the comfort of their own homes on Saturday, October 17 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. as members of our Board of Directors and staff report on TLC’s initiatives from the last fiscal year.

Please RSVP to membership@conservancy.bc.ca or 1-877-485-2422. Attendees will be able to attend via computer or phone. Access details will be sent to those who RSVP in early October. For those unable to attend, TLC’s Annual Report and Financial Statements will be available in September on our website or in hard copy by request.

In keeping with TLC’s bylaws, a Nominations Committee was struck to recruit and put forward candidates for the Board of Directors for your consideration. The maximum number of Directors is 13. Directors are elected for a three-year term with a limit of three consecutive terms.

There are currently seven Directors. Five Directors (whose terms are not ending) will be continuing. They include Mel Lehan, Lori Roter, Frances Sloan Sainas, Marika Smith, and Sara Wickham. There are eight positions open to nominations. Andrew Stewart and Tom Watson have reached the end of their terms and stand for re-election.

Please keep in mind the following election procedures and timetable:

• Following receipt of this letter, members may nominate other candidates. Further nominations are welcomed and must be received by TLC no later than August 21. They must be signed by five TLC Members and include a written confirmation from the nominee that he/she/they agrees to stand for election. A short biography of the nominee must also be included.
• If we receive more nominations than vacant positions, an election will be held. If the same number or fewer nominations are received than vacant positions, nominees will be elected by acclamation.
• Should an election be required, election materials and ballots will be sent to all TLC Members in good standing. Ballots will be sent by email to each member for whom we have a valid email address and by mail to all others. Ballots will be sent by September 11. Ballots must be returned in the manner set out in the election materials. Successful candidates will be announced at the AGM.
Please note that to be eligible to vote you must be a member in good standing by July 29.

The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the following candidate for your consideration:

Andrew Stewart
Occupation: Retired Lawyer.
Skills, knowledge and/or experience: Involvement in various not for profit boards with a particular focus on governance, finance and member communication. Problem solving and analytical skills developed during a 38 year career as a practising solicitor in Victoria, B.C. My legal practice included corporate small businesses, not for profits, First Nations, professionals and individuals. I also acted as the Managing Partner for Cook Roberts LLP, a Victoria law firm, which included as many as 24 lawyers and 30 plus support staff during my management tenure. I gained considerable experience in managing professionals and organizing an extensive and varied support structure.
Interest in TLC: To assist TLC in fulfilling its mandate of long term support for and growth in conservation covenants in B.C. To promote and enhance the reputation of TLC as a stable and effective agent for conservation for the benefit of many future generations. To promote TLC’s development of collaborative relationships with other conservation organizations, First Nations and all levels of government.
Other Organizations: Board Member/VP – YM-YWCA of Victoria; Board Member/Chair – Maxwell International Baha’i School; Board Member/Treasurer – Victoria Bar Association; Board Member – Bays United Youth Soccer Association; Partner/ Managing Partner – Cook Roberts LLP; and Legal Advisor – Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group Society.

Tom Watson
Occupation: Investment Advisor / Father
Skills, knowledge and/or experience: I have a good knowledge of finances and have served as both Chair and Secretary for the Gorge View Housing Society. I am also a volunteer coach with Doncaster and Reynolds Soccer.
Interest and Vision for TLC: I have a lifetime belief in working to support the environment and protect special places. I want to work to help TLC be on a stronger financial footing through an increase in its membership and profile.
Involvement with TLC: I have been a member of TLC since 2010.
Other Organizations: Previously worked with the Lakehill Soccer Association.

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