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Students to learn from seasoned naturalists and teachers
Lyn Baldwin, Trevor Goward and Briony Penn

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 14, 2019

Clearwater, BC – The Land Conservancy of B.C. (TLC) is pleased to announce the launch of the Deertrails Naturalist Program: an intergenerational, place-based learning opportunity designed to facilitate the transfer of naturalist knowledge, both scientific and traditional.

From May 7 to 13, 2019, participants will explore a range of habitats from following deer trails to experiencing spring bird migration.  Students will learn about and deepen their connection to the natural world from seasoned naturalists and teachers Lyn Baldwin, Trevor Goward and Briony Penn.  Cameo instruction this year includes sessions with Nancy Flood (ornithology), Cathie Hickson (volcanology) and Andy MacKinnon (mycology).  Aspiring naturalists will develop a wide array of skills needed to steward local natural places, educate the public and new naturalists, engage in research and inform conservation efforts.

The program fee of $595 plus GST includes meals and accommodations in Clearwater, B.C.  Aspiring naturalists can apply online on TLC’s website at www.conservancy.bc.caDeadline for applications is 5 p.m. on February 28, 2019. 

Thanks to a generous donation from a TLC Member who wishes to remain anonymous, the charity has created a $40,000 endowment fund with the Victoria Foundation to provide a bursary for one naturalist student each year.

“Building a network of naturalists is one of the means by which TLC is addressing the interrelated issues of biodiversity loss and climate change,” said Cathy Armstrong, TLC Executive Director. “We are looking forward to our first Deertrails Naturalist Program and sharing the natural world TLC Members have protected in the Clearwater Valley with up-and-coming naturalists.”

The land trust launched an acquisition campaign last spring to protect 38 acres of wildlife corridor in the Upper Clearwater River Valley.  TLC’s Clearwater Wetland and Wildlife Corridor now protects more than 113 acres of adjacent lands for their ongoing protection and appropriate use for research and educational programming.

For more details regarding the Deertrails Naturalist Program and the May 2019 session please view the program backgrounder or contact TLC at (250) 479-8053 or admin@conservancy.bc.ca.

About The Land Conservancy of BC:

The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) is a non-profit, charitable Land Trust working throughout British Columbia. TLC’s primary mandate is to benefit the community by protecting habitat for natural communities of plants and animals. Founded in 1997, TLC is membership-based and governed by an elected, volunteer Board of Directors.  TLC relies on a strong membership and volunteer base to help maintain its operations.

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Media contact

Cathy Armstrong
TLC Executive Director
Cell: (250) 588-4945
Email: carmstrong@conservancy.bc.ca

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