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TLC holds a conservation covenant on Capital Regional District’s (CRD) Park Reserve which sits between the Galloping Goose Trail and Millstream Creek near Mill Hill Regional Park. The 2 hectare protected area features a beautiful Garry Oak savanna above the riparian area and creek. We will start the trek from Atkins Road and walk down to the creek to observe and record the invasive species present. Last year TLC reported and removed Policeman’s Helmet (Impatiens glandulifera) from the stream. We will also check out the restoration site where TLC, the CRD and Greater Victoria Green Team have been working on removing Aaron’s beard (a.k.a. St. John’s wort), which has been degrading the Garry Oak habitat. As well, we will be conducting repeat photography, a method to track ecosystem changes over time at our established sites.

We will be staying on the maintained trails and expect a 1 km round trip with a light elevation change of 30 meters as we trek down and up the creek. Pack plenty of water, a lunch and appropriate clothes for the weather.

Learning opportunities: Species identification, invasive species management, repeat photography protocols, riparian and Garry oak ecosystem functions, orienteering, covenant monitoring protocols, mapping and more.

Registration is required. Please let us know if you would like to join by sending TLC’s Environmental Technician Karen Iwachow an email at kiwachow@conservancy.bc.ca with the subject line: Atkins Road Monitoring Volunteer.

We ask that volunteers be comfortable hiking for two to six hours both on and off trail (bushwhacking), with a full backpack containing water, lunch and any personal needs. We are often in areas where washroom facilities are not available. We are hiking in uneven terrain where slips, trips and falls are possible. Please take caution while walking through steep and unmaintained terrain. Please note that TLC staff are trained in First Aid and carry a kit.

We encourage carpooling to reduce our carbon footprint. Please indicate if you are interested in carpooling with other volunteers. TLC can provide rides for up to three people in TLC’s car.

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