TLC registered a conservation covenant on 70 percent of Clayoquot Island in December 2007. As the largest single private landowner covenant in the Vancouver Island Region to date, Clayoquot Island, also known locally as Stubbs Island, is approximately 250 acres and is located near Tofino, a traditional fishing village at the tip of Esowista Peninsula near the entrance to Clayoquot Sound. Clayoquot Island supports a mature old growth Coastal Hemlock forest as well as areas of new forest, beaches, sand dunes, forest boardwalks and extensive gardens consisting of ponds, walkways, and varieties of native and ornamental plants, shrubs and trees.

Valued at $4 million, the landowner Susan Bloom’s gift of protection is listed under the Federal Ecological Gifts Program. The covenant ensures that the old growth forest, historic Japanese Village site, and valuable shoreline for bird-nesting habitat on this property will remain in its natural state while allowing for the residence to stay on site.

Clayoquot Island is home to a variety of animal, bird, and insects species. Tidal fluctuations in the Sound also make possible occasional visits by larger animals such as bear, cougar, and wolves which swim across the channels from the Vancouver Island mainland. From the 1990’s until 2019, public access to Clayoquot Island was limited to special occasions such as the Victoria Day long weekend each May, where visitors were welcomed to learn more about this beautiful west coast island and its rich natural and human history. Unfortunately, since the COVID-19 pandemic public access events have not been possible.

You can help TLC continue to protect important ecosystems across BC by supporting the monitoring and enforcement of our covenants. Please complete our online donation form to show your support today!