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Vancouver Island

Invasive Species Removal Project Continues in the Highlands

TLC's Covenant Coordinator Torrey on the massive pile of broom collected in the Highlands.Photo Credit George Van. TLC’s Scotch broom removal project has continued with gusto during the past few weeks. Whether there are three volunteers or ten, the broom is no match for our tenacious volunteers! Working in the Highlands region, TLC staff and [...]

By |2017-11-19T20:59:22-08:00September 8th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Invasive Species Removal Project Continues in the Highlands

DeMamiel Creek Covenant: Mint, Mushrooms and Maples

TLC's DeMamiel Creek Covenant, located off of Otter Point Road in Sooke. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. One of the most beautiful covenants visited this summer was DeMamiel Creek, located off of Otter Point Road in Sooke. Multiple covenants along the creek comprise approximately 8 hectares in total, which covers portions of both DeMamiel and [...]

By |2017-11-19T20:59:38-08:00September 4th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on DeMamiel Creek Covenant: Mint, Mushrooms and Maples

Lampson Covenant: Invasive Species Removal

TLC's Covenant Coordinator Torrey (left), with volunteers Melanie and Kristen. Photo Credit Sophia Malczewska. The Covenant Team with their pile of invasive English ivy. Photo Credit Sophia Malczewska. TLC staff and volunteers re-visited the Lampson covenant located in Esquimalt to help combat invasive species in the area that have been encroaching on the covenant. [...]

By |2017-11-19T20:59:52-08:00September 1st, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Lampson Covenant: Invasive Species Removal

Langvista Covenant: White-topped Aster Rehabilitation

White-topped aster (Sericocarpus-rigidus).Photo Credit Torrey Archer. This week during TLC’s monitoring, Torrey and Sophia visited the Langvista Covenant located near Mill Hill in Langford. One area of the Langvista covenant is home to a restoration project started by the Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT), developed to help bring back a species at risk associated [...]

By |2017-11-19T21:00:12-08:00August 27th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Langvista Covenant: White-topped Aster Rehabilitation

Packford Covenant: Water Main and Walking Trail

The covenant conatins Garry oak rocky outcrops, Western red cedar wetland, and classic Douglas-fir forest. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Last week TLC monitored the Packford covenant, located on Glinz Lake Road in Sooke. The Packford Covenant is just over 22 hectares in size and contains at least three different types of forest: Garry oak rocky [...]

By |2017-11-19T21:00:28-08:00August 24th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Packford Covenant: Water Main and Walking Trail

Ayum Creek Regional Park Covenant: Sea Asparagus and Skeletons

The dry bed of Ayum Creek.Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Ayum Creek Regional Park.Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Mushrooms found at Ayum Creek.Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Volunteer Melanie with mushrooms.Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Deer skeleton. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Unidentified skeleton. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Hedge nettle. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. [...]

By |2017-11-19T21:01:05-08:00July 27th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Ayum Creek Regional Park Covenant: Sea Asparagus and Skeletons

Member Donation Helps Pay Down Abkhazi Garden Mortgage; Sale of TLC’s Hardy Mountain Doukhobor Village furthers debt elimination goal

NEWS RELEASE MEMBER DONATION HELPS PAY DOWN ABKHAZI GARDEN MORTGAGE Sale of TLC’s Hardy Mountain Doukhobor Village furthers debt elimination goal FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 16, 2015 Victoria, BC –The Land Conservancy of B.C. (TLC) has made further progress with its Plan of Compromise and Arrangement this week, paying off $577,000 in debt to secured [...]

By |2016-10-26T18:37:55-07:00July 16th, 2015|Kootenay's, Okanagan, Press Release, Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Member Donation Helps Pay Down Abkhazi Garden Mortgage; Sale of TLC’s Hardy Mountain Doukhobor Village furthers debt elimination goal

CRD, T’Souke Nation Open Campground at Sooke Potholes Regional Park

Jul 08, 2015 Victoria, BC– The Capital Regional District (CRD) and T’Sou-ke Nation are pleased to announce the opening of the campground at Sooke Potholes Regional Park on Friday, July 10, 2015. The Sooke Potholes Spring Salmon Place campground will be operated by T’Sou-ke Nation under a pilot project with the Capital Regional District for [...]

By |2015-07-08T15:24:48-07:00July 8th, 2015|Vancouver Island|3 Comments

White Covenant: Wildlife and Culturally Modified Trees

TLC volunteers Sophia and Melanie with the Culturally Modified Tree. Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Fruit on the hazel tree. Photo credit Torrey Archer. TLC’s White Covenant is a small covenant located in the Highlands, just off Finlayson Arm Road. Bought by the owners in 1969, it was logged once in the 1990’s and left [...]

By |2017-11-19T21:01:31-08:00July 7th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on White Covenant: Wildlife and Culturally Modified Trees

Monitoring Mt. Work: Garter Snakes and Downy Rattlesnake Plantain

TLC volunteers Sophia and Kristi.Photo Credit Torrey Archer. Tiny orchid in the Kinghorn covenant area.Photo credit Torrey Archer. TLC returned to the Mt. Work region this week, covering both the Kinghorn and Mt. Work-Thetis Connector covenants. The crew hiked through classic Douglas-fir forest, riddled with arbutus trees and towers of oceanspray in full bloom. [...]

By |2017-11-19T21:02:04-08:00June 29th, 2015|Vancouver Island|Comments Off on Monitoring Mt. Work: Garter Snakes and Downy Rattlesnake Plantain
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