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Protecting BC’s Forests and Wetlands to Support Adaptation

This fall the west coast has been experiencing unseasonably warm and dry weather with record breaking temperatures and dramatic drought. Smoke filled skies remained late into October causing poor air quality well beyond the devastated communities impacted by B.C.’s raging wildfires. Late last month the government continued to rank the Sunshine Coast, Vancouver Island, Lower [...]

By |2022-11-09T14:11:21-08:00November 10th, 2022|Clearwater Wetlands & Wildlife Corridor, Covenants, Fort Shepherd Conservancy Area, Millstream Creek Watershed|Comments Off on Protecting BC’s Forests and Wetlands to Support Adaptation

Now Available: The Fall Edition of the LANDmark Newsletter

In the Fall 2022 edition of TLC's LANDmark newsletter you'll read about two local legends leaving legacies in conservation, our project with the Salt Spring Island Conservancy, and much more! View current and previous editions of the LANDmark on TLC’s website at

By |2022-09-26T15:07:16-07:00September 29th, 2022|Activity Book, Board of Directors, Covenants, Fort Shepherd Conservancy Area, Lohbrunner, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Now Available: The Fall Edition of the LANDmark Newsletter

New Conservation Covenant Policies and Application Form for Landowners

  TLC has a new conservation covenant application form for perspective landowners that gathers important information about the land you know and love, including a vision statement that can be used to help guide future decisions to ensure your legacy is upheld. A covenant agreement is written in “legalese” which can often leave [...]

By |2022-09-22T15:26:43-07:00September 22nd, 2022|Board of Directors, Covenants|Comments Off on New Conservation Covenant Policies and Application Form for Landowners

Erin in the Field: Thanks for Spending the Summer with Me!

Goodbye TLC! My time as intern has finished, and I just wanted to share my appreciation for the great team who work at TLC and have the passion for conservation. I’ve had an awesome experience as a summer intern: learning covenant monitoring, learning the perspective of a biologist in relation to my geography point [...]

By |2022-08-22T11:33:27-07:00August 22nd, 2022|Covenants, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: Thanks for Spending the Summer with Me!

Erin in the Field: Malahat Estates

As my co-worker and I were hiking along an old logging road while monitoring a covenanted forest behind the Malahat, we spotted a Douglas squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii) sitting on an old log. Before I could get a picture, it scampered away, but it was amazing to see this native squirrel because it is usually [...]

By |2022-08-11T16:12:20-07:00August 15th, 2022|Covenants, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: Malahat Estates

Erin in the Field: Langvista Covenant

Last week TLC was joined by two volunteers to conduct White-top aster (Sericocarpus rigidus) counts in our Langvista covenant near Mill Hill Regional Park. The White-top aster is a blue-listed at-risk species that are found in Garry oak meadow ecosystems on Vancouver Island. Asters are a family of flowering plants that look very similar [...]

By |2022-08-11T09:10:49-07:00July 26th, 2022|Covenants, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: Langvista Covenant

Erin in the Field: DeMamiel Creek

Last week TLC staff member Torrey Archer and I monitored DeMamiel Creek in Sooke, with landowners Gertie and Dean. The creek was unusually full this year from the cooler summer and abundance of rain, which was great for the salmon fry and other creatures in the creek! One super cool critter we found that [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:08:50-07:00July 18th, 2022|Covenants, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: DeMamiel Creek

Erin in the Field: Ayum Creek Restoration with HAT

We wish to send a HUGE thank you to the 26 volunteers from Habitat Acquisition Trust (HAT), TLC, and Edward Milne High School for showing up on June 23 to help restore part of Ayum Creek Regional Park Reserve from the invasive Common Periwinkle (Vinca minor). The team put cardboard and mulch over a [...]

By |2022-07-18T13:08:04-07:00July 4th, 2022|Covenants, Events, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: Ayum Creek Restoration with HAT

Erin in the Field: Howard Horel Covenant, Salt Spring Island

The past week I had the amazing opportunity to participate in covenant monitoring at the Howard Horel Nature Reserve on Salt Spring Island with TLC's Covenant Coordinator Larissa Bron, Salt Spring Island Conservancy's (SSIC) Land Manager Rachel Bevington, and SSIC Volunteer Warden Keers Ruurs. This was my first covenant monitoring experience, and I had [...]

By |2022-06-15T15:36:09-07:00June 20th, 2022|Covenants|Comments Off on Erin in the Field: Howard Horel Covenant, Salt Spring Island

Ayum Creek Restoration in Progress

The skies cleared and sun illuminated the first restoration event of the year at Ayum Creek Regional Park Reserve at the end of February. Volunteers worked together to hand-pull the garden escapee, and very invasive, periwinkle (Vinca minor) that blankets some of the forest floor. Since 2017, TLC’s biologist Torrey Archer has been spearheading [...]

By |2022-04-21T15:47:18-07:00April 21st, 2022|Covenants, Events, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Ayum Creek Restoration in Progress
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