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British Columbia

Why Be Bat Friendly

Bats in BC play significant roles in pest management and pollination. Bats can reduce the need for chemical pesticides and indicate ecosystem health by revealing insect population density. Because many insect populations are declining in BC due to agricultural and pollutant stresses, bats have been negatively impacted. One-half of BC bats are considered species [...]

By |2018-08-20T12:46:05-07:00July 9th, 2018|British Columbia, Clearwater Wetlands & Wildlife Corridor, Northern BC, Okanagan, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Why Be Bat Friendly

Wetlands and Watersheds – Water is Life

Ayum Creek. Jim Roberts. We are dependent on water to live, but in BC, water speaks to us in a special way that impacts our experiences beyond survival. Water surrounds us and is a significant aspect of our national and provincial identity, be it oceans, salmon-bearing streams, or wetlands. Wetland [...]

By |2018-08-20T12:50:48-07:00July 5th, 2018|British Columbia, Clearwater Wetlands & Wildlife Corridor, Northern BC, Okanagan, Uncategorized, Vancouver Island, Vancouver Island Area|Comments Off on Wetlands and Watersheds – Water is Life
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