Staff member Torrey Archer had one of the best volunteers join her while monitoring a TLC covenant recently – this volunteer was her very own dad!
Torrey and Stephen monitored the Thetis-Mt. Work Connector Covenant on a brisk but sunshine-filled day, ensuring the area was being respected by those who use it.
The 50 acre parcel connects Thetis Lake Regional Park with Mt. Work Regional Park, crossing private land that is covenanted to ensure protection of the corridor. Connectivity is a very important aspect of land conservation – protected species need to be able to travel to additional habitat areas, especially as climate change brings uncertainties in regards to species migration and dispersal. We simply don’t know how our natural landscapes and species will cope with these changes, so ensuring they have options creates necessary resiliency in the face of climate change.
While the Thetis-Mt. Work Connector parcel is small compared to the giant covenants of the Sooke Hills, it represents the essential linkages that must be forged if we are to move forward with hope in our mission to conserve land so that all species may thrive.
You can help TLC continue to protect important landscapes, like the Sooke Hills, sustainably across BC by supporting the monitoring and enforcement of our covenants. Please complete our online donation form to show your support today!