TLC is pleased to have partnered with the Greater Victoria Green Team (GVGT) for some more Scotch broom removal. Ten volunteers attended the work party in the Highlands to help continue TLC’s removal of the invasive. With so many hands on deck they were able to accomplish a lot! Approximately 20 cubic metres of broom was pulled, helping to restore an area of about 20 square metres. This took place on both public and private land, so the volunteers are able to return to monitor the effects of their hard work.
The crew spent about 2 hours clearing away large broom plants, and another hour painstakingly combing through the soil for the tiny seedlings – if these seedlings aren’t pulled, all the clearing work could easily be undone by allowing new plants to flourish! It’s not the most satisfying part of invasive removal, but a very important one.
Lunch was provided for the volunteers that day and they all enjoyed sandwiches, fruit, and juice boxes (your inner child’s delight!) together, while sharing additional snacks they had brought along. This type of potluck-style lunch really cements the community feeling that is fostered through environmental work.
Later that day, TLC returned to load up the cut broom and safely dispose of it with the help of Pacific Ecoscapes, a local landscaping company. Four people spent about 2 hours loading all the broom into the small but powerful Elf truck. Thanks to the stomping efforts of the larger helpers, they got all the broom in. Phew!
TLC will be continuing the Scotch broom removal program throughout the Fall and Winter, and especially in the Spring once the broom is in bloom. As the Broombusters say: “cut broom in bloom!” to avoid allowing additional seeds to develop and spread the problem. With the help of the GVGT, the program has made some significant progress. You can find out more about getting involved with the GVGT via their meet-up website, found at
You can help TLC continue to protect important ecosystems sustainably across BC by supporting the monitoring and enforcement of our covenants. Please complete our online donation form to show your support today!