The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) is embarking on a major restructuring of its organization. Alastair Craighead, the Chairman of the TLC Board, stated that “the continuing economic turmoil around the world has hit many charities very hard, TLC included. We find ourselves in a situation where there simply has not been enough money coming in to meet our needs. We need to make some changes in order to be able to continue doing our work,” he said, “and this renewal process will not only help get us through these tough times but will also ensure our future financial sustainability.” The changes underway include:

  • a further downsizing of TLC’s operations and staffing in order to better match our operating costs with revenues during this economic downturn


  • a restructuring of TLC’s financial obligations that will address our immediate fiscal challenges and will set TLC on a stronger financial footing



  • a strategic re-focusing of TLC’s priorities to concentrate on the areas where TLC can be most effective in its work


“We should be under no illusion,” Craighead continued, “this is the most difficult financial situation that TLC has ever faced. It will not be an easy path forward – particularly over the next few months as we go through the transition to a new era of TLC’s life – but every one of us at TLC is absolutely committed to doing everything we can to make it work. We are calling on all of our members and supporters – everyone who appreciates the tremendous work that TLC has done over the past 15 years, and who wants that work to continue – to step forward now and support us.”

As part of this restructuring process, the founder, driving force and long-time Executive Director of The Land Conservancy of British Columbia, Bill Turner, is announcing he will be retiring from his position at TLC, and that the transition to new leadership of the organization will be effective immediately.

“This is, obviously, a significant decision for me, but every organization needs to renew itself,” Turner said. “I intend to continue doing everything I can to help TLC succeed, but I want to do so in a volunteer capacity. I will continue to help raise funds for TLC and take the opportunity to continue building the National Trust movement around the world through my association with INTO (the International National Trusts Organization).”

“Bill’s leadership has led TLC to achieve so many successes over the last 15 years” said TLC Board Chair Alastair Craighead. “We have been involved in protecting over 125,000 acres on 300 projects including—our natural heritage of Sooke Potholes to South Winchelsea Island; our agricultural heritage from Talking Mountain Ranch to Madrona Farm; our cultural heritage from Abkhazi Gardens to the Joy Kogawa House.”“In my view”, Craighead stated, “everyone in BC owes Bill Turner a huge debt of gratitude for the years of dedicated service he has put in on behalf of TLC, and the incredible cultural, agricultural, and environmental legacy he has left behind.”

The final plans for the new direction of the organization and a celebration of Bill Turner’s legacy will be part of the 15th anniversary celebrations in September at the Annual General Meeting.

Alastair Craighead, Chair of TLC
(250) 381-1284 cell (250) 661-3646