Last year, The Land Conservancy went through a very difficult period.  TLC’s senior management and Board of Directors differed in fundamental ways on TLC’s future.  This resulted in litigation, a mediation, and the democratic election of an entirely new Board of Directors by the membership.

As a new Board, we recognized from the outset that TLC faced challenges relating to perceptions about transparent financial reporting, risk management, the use of funds donated for a specific purpose, and the performance evaluation of the Executive Director and the Board.  Our most serious challenge has been TLC’s cash flow problem, aggravated by global financial conditions, a problem shared by many other non-profits.

However, it’s also clear that TLC’s members, financial supporters, partners and staff continue to make miracles happen every day in protecting British Columbia farms, heritage properties, lands, beaches, and ecosystems.

An honest, open and ongoing debate about TLC’s direction is essential to our future and there is a democratic way to do this.  We strongly encourage all of our members to follow that democratic way.  The Board of TLC is not aware of any evidence to support allegations made in recent stories in the media that TLC operational practices are different from other similar organisations.  Nor does it appear that any effort was made to check the veracity of statements made.  TLC is a very lean organization whose staff work very hard and very creatively to ensure that maximum use is made of every dollar donated.

It’s time to turn the page on the back-biting and finger-pointing that undermines TLC’s work.  To all those who want TLC to succeed, we say join us on September 25 at our Annual General Meeting. Ask tough questions, assess our answers, and then roll up your sleeves and get back to work with us on saving British Columbia’s treasured most places for future generations. 

Alastair Craighead, TLC Chair

A version of this letter appeared in the Victoria Times Colonist on September 16, 2010