Re: Land Conservancy of British Columbia – Why I ran:  Why I completed my term: Why I was willing to stand for re-election:

Elections are over, so this is not electioneering.

I did successfully stand for re-election to the Board of TLC this year. There are a number of reasons for staying with the Land Conservancy that seem to have escaped the rather poor scrutiny of Victoria’s local press.

1. Three board members left the board, BUT SEVEN of us stayed, so why are 3 ex- directors receiving so much play? We have tried to speak as a board, with one spokesperson, yet, TLC is publicly criticized by people who don’t always have the full picture.

2. I believe that this board has done due diligence in the extreme. We have consulted legal experts to assess personal risk to board members, we have hired third party accounting firms to assess risks to the organization, and we have consulted governance specialists to define the roles of Board and Staff. We continue to implement recommendations ASAP. I belong to many non-profits, but none have gone to such lengths to protect their credibility. I don’t know what else the naysayers would have us do with what we have inherited.

3. We are very fortunate to have been able to fill the position of Chief Financial Officer. The current Board has been provided with quick Dashboard reports, as well as extensive financial reports, when requested by the Board.

4. Yes, we have challenges to meet operating expenses, etc. Yet, this year we have reduced debt and have paid off about a million dollars, bringing the debt to the lowest level in five years. We are an organization with very valuable real estate and complete reliance on the public to help us manage those properties.

5 . Since August 2009, the amazing workers for TLC have not only managed to: finance the operating capital, reduce TLC debt, increase membership by more than 1800 members, and yet still participate in new campaigns to protect our natural, agricultural and heritage Legacies. It’s a skilled, business/real estate transaction scenario. I can think of no other reasonable facsimile.

6. TLC has partnerships with many and varied agencies, regardless of political persuasion: International National Trust Organizations, The Capital Region District, The Province of British Columbia, other Land Trusts and Conservancies. We work together for nature conservation, heritage, and agriculture. We are all about BC’s Legacies.

7. TLC has mortgages. Don’t we all? Would you rather that the Sooke Potholes are subdivided? Would you rather that Abkhazi Gardens is covered with townhouses? Would you rather that the Sooke Hills are logged? What about demolishing Kogawa House? It’s a long list, and I haven’t even touched on habitat protection.

8. Monies will be received from a gravel pit property. TLC Lands become more valuable with the implementation of Carbon credit programs. The Land Conservancy of British Columbia relies on the support of the people of British Columbia. These are the assets of the future.

There are serious issues that TLC needs to continue to address within reasonable time frames.

However, above are the reasons that I will not bow to attack campaigns and why, this year, I Didn’t Quit.

With Respect

Frances Pugh, Director, Land Conservancy of British Columbia

Frances Pugh
Hi-Lo Farms
Brentwood Bay, B.C. V8M 1G5