Last week, TLC visited the Langvista covenant. While the surrounding area has undergone development, the Langvista development owner chose to keep this natural space for protection and enjoyment 🌳 The covenanted area consists of Garry oak, arbutus and mature Douglas fir trees. Garry oak ecosystems are one of the most endangered ecosystems in Canada, making them a particularly valuable habitat to monitor and protect. This covenant helps keep this area safe from disturbance and development; we even witnessed a doe making her way quietly across the grassy hillside!

During this visit we checked on several exclusion zones containing white-top aster (Sericocarpus rigidus). Not quite in bloom yet, these will eventually produce a head of white flowers. This species is on the provincial blue-list and is rarely found on southern Vancouver Island!

TLC’s Larissa Bron sits by an exclusion zone containing white-top aster, looking for signs of blooming.

White-top aster (Sericocarpus rigidus).

You can help us keep spots like this one protected by supporting our monitoring and restoration work, as well as the registration of covenants, through donations. Visit our donation page to learn more about making your own tax-receiptable gift to TLC: