10 hectares on Galiano Island
Covenanted in 2005

The Millard Covenant is characterized by several significant natural amenities including two small stream systems and wetlands, a southwest facing cliff and ridge that exhibit Garry oak and associated ecosystems, and two other ridge systems with associated ecosystems. The majority of the forest exhibits minimal disturbance since the last logging entry approximately 60 years ago. Stand structure varies from mature to younger forest with mature forest characteristics. The current understory vegetation range in composition from moss herb to native grasses and tall shrubs. Several old growth trees grow on the site providing unique canopy structures now rare on Galiano. The lot lies proximate to other large tracts of protected land namely Bodega Ridge Provincial park to the North-West, Laughlin lake and the Pebble Beach Reserve to the North-East. Protecting this land provides a valuable link between said protected areas enhancing connectivity and the broader regional ecological integrity.

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