Phase 1 & 2 13.88 hectares Located in Highlands, Covenanted 2003

The District of Highlands is developing rapidly and conservation covenants are increasingly being employed to ensure the protection of sensitive areas. The District has partnered with TLC to hold 31 conservation covenants in the West Millstream Development area to protect this forested area of Douglas fir, Arbutus and Western red cedar. The area also encompasses a ridge with rocky knolls that divides Finlayson Arm and Millstream watersheds. The retention of wildlife trees, wetlands and ecological diversity in the Highlands Estates is crucial for wildlife diversity. Blue-listed species include Turkey vultures and Bald eagles. Rare and endangered terrestrial plant species have also been identified. Residential Use Zones have been chosen to allow for the least amount of ecological impact. TLC will also be working on the conservation covenants for Phase 3 and 4 of this development. These covenants will be held by the District of Highlands and The Land Conservancy.

View the 2014 covenant monitoring team’s updates on these covenants, Covenant Monitoring Program Week Seven: Ayum Creek Regional Park, Highlands Estates and Stewart Mountain Road Estates.

TLC’s 2015 covenant monitoring included invasive species removal from the Highlands Estates.

You can help TLC continue to protect important ecosystems across BC by supporting the monitoring and enforcement of our covenants. Please complete our online donation form to show your support today!

Looking for more information about the Highlands Covenant? View our brochure, Learn About Your Conservation Covenant.